想必爱迪生发明灯泡时没有想到现在时不时就会有人为灯泡加入一些新元素,比如具有蓝牙4.0的Bluetooth Bulb,比起之前那些节能、变色的产品简直强到爆。只要通过智能手机上的应用,就能通过蓝牙与家中所有的Bluetooth Bulb灯泡连接,控制它们完成开关、定时、调节亮度、变换色彩(支持RGB变色的型号)等操作,就算玩坏了也不用担心,这套产品中所有零部件都是可更换的,哪个部位坏
Sure Edison invented the light bulb did not think now and then from time to time there will be someone to add some new elements for the light bulb, such as Bluetooth 4.0 with Bluetooth Bulb, compared to those before energy-saving, discolored products simply to burst. Just use the app on your smartphone and connect to all your Bluetooth Bulb bulbs in your home via Bluetooth to control everything from switching on and off, timing, adjusting brightness, changing colors (RGB color changeable) and more, even if it’s broken. All the parts in this product are replaceable and the parts are bad