Diethanol Ammonium-borate Based Polybetaine with Tunable UCST Phase Transition

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polymer Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhb74
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A betaine-type styrene monomer with the quaternary ammonium-borate anion inner-salt pair was synthesized through the quaternization reaction and polymerized to afford the target polybetaine of poly(4-vinylbenzyl methyl-diethanol ammonium borate)(PVMAB). The chemical structures of the monomer and polymer were well demonstrated with ~1H-NMR and ~(11)B-NMR spectra analysis. The thermal-sensitive experiment showed that PVMAB in water afforded gradually welldefined sigmoidal transmittance-temperature(T-t) curves along with the increasing polymer concentration. However, the phase transition temperatures at the bottom of the S-shaped curves were always below 10 ℃ due to the very weak zwitterionic association of the ammonium-borate inner-salt pairs. The UCST phase transition could also be tuned by changing the ethanol content in the ethanol/water mixture. And the cytotoxicity experiment demonstrated the good biomimetic property of PVMAB. This study enriches the toolbox of polybetaines by introducing the quaternary ammoniumborate anion zwitterionic pair in the repeat units, therefore broadens the scope of synthetic polybetaines. A betaine-type styrene monomer with the quaternary ammonium-borate anion inner-salt pair was synthesized through the quaternization reaction and polymerized to afford the target polybetaine of poly (4-vinylbenzyl methyl-diethanol ammonium borate) (PVMAB). The chemical structures of The thermal-sensitive experiment showed that PVMAB in water afforded gradually well defined deltamoidal transmittance-temperature (Tt) curves along with the increasing polymer concentration . However, the phase transition temperatures at the bottom of the S-shaped curves were always below 10 ° C due to the very weak zwitterionic association of the ammonium-borate inner-salt pairs. The UCST phase transition could also be tuned by changing the ethanol And the cytotoxicity of the good biomimetic property of PVMAB. This study enriches the toolbox of polybetaines by int roducing the quaternary ammoniumborate anion zwitterionic pair in the repeat units, therefore broadens the scope of synthetic polybetaines.
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三孔布币是战国布币中极为特殊的币种,因其布首和两足各有一个圆孔,而得名。 三孔布币一面铸有地名,一面铸有记载重量的文字。它是最早以重量“朱两”(朱后为铢)为单位的货