New optimal algorithm of data association for multi-passive-sensor location system

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a313416961
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In dense target and false detection scenario of four time difference of arrival (TDOA) for multi-passive-sensor location system, the global optimal data association algo- rithm has to be adopted. In view of the heavy calculation burden of the traditional optimal assignment algorithm, this paper proposes a new global optimal assign- ment algorithm and a 2-stage association algorithm based on a statistic test. Compared with the traditional optimal algorithm, the new optimal algorithm avoids the complicated operations for finding the target position before we calculate as- sociation cost; hence, much of the procedure time is saved. In the 2-stage asso- ciation algorithm, a large number of false location points are eliminated from can- didate associations in advance. Therefore, the operation is further decreased, and the correct data association probability is improved in varying degrees. Both the complexity analyses and simulation results can verify the effectiveness of the new algorithms. In dense target and false detection scenario of four time difference of arrival (TDOA) for multi-passive-sensor location system, the global optimal data association algo- rithm has been adopted. In view of the heavy calculation burden of the traditional optimal assignment Compared with the traditional optimal algorithm, the new optimal algorithm avoids the complicated operations for finding the target position before we calculate as - the sociation cost; hence, much of the procedure time is saved. In the 2-stage asso- ciation algorithm, a large number of false location points are eliminated from can- didate associations in advance. Therefore, the operation is further decreased, and the correct data association probability is improved in varying degrees. Both the complexity analyzes and simulation results can verify the effectiveness of the new algorithms .
摘 要: 本科学生这一年龄段的学生正处于心理尚未完全成熟,但又对事务有自我见解的阶段,不可能对任何教育现象都做出科学正确的判断。大学教师要正确听取学生的意见,尽快成长、成熟,就必须发挥学生评教的作用。作者根据已有的工作经验,阐述大学生评教体系的意义,并分析学生评教体系改革可能出现的趋势,以抛砖引玉。  关键词: 新时期 大学生评教 意义 改革趋势  一、引言  近年来,随着我国高等教育的不
一、掘进工作面的防尘现状 我国煤矿在传统的钻爆法掘进全岩工作面时,通常采用湿式凿岩、放炮喷雾、冲洗岩邦和装岩洒水、净化通风、个体防护等综合防尘措施。但各矿使用措
欧洲选举的“网络”效应杰姆斯.黑利[James A.Haley,国际治理创新中心全球经济项目主管,卡尔顿大学(Carleton University)诺曼.帕特森国际事务学院(NPSIA)教师]近期欧洲的选
摘 要: 新时代要求教师通过自我教育发展教育,这是教师实现终身教育的重要手段。教师要通过加强自我教育不断自我完善,全面认识自己,不断改造自己,最终实现超越自我。本文通过分析教师自我教育的主要特征和存在的问题,探究教师自我教育的途径与策略。  关键词: 教师自我教育 途径 策略  教师自我教育是完成教育的基石,是发展教师专业的重要手段。知识经济化时代,社会对知识的需求和对人的要求越来越高。近年
摘 要: 语文教学在实现高职人才培养目标中起着不可忽视的作用,分析其教学现状,探究其存在问题的症结,寻求提高教学质量的途径,是当前高职语文教学的当务之急。教材陈旧,学生缺乏学习兴趣,教师教学方式单一,直接影响了教学效果,不利于语文教育的全面实施和持续健康发展。为此,高职院校应当从教材、学生、教师三方面齐入手,进一步深化改革,努力提高教学质量,实现语文教学的长足发展。  关键词: 高职教育 语文
摘 要: “80后”教师的专业发展决定着学校的可持续发展,如何让“80后”教师静下心来实现自我专业成长,本文提出以下策略:科学规范岗位职责,逐步完善评价体系;切实减轻工作负担,营造宽松和谐的环境;搭建专业发展平台,实现教师自我超越。实践证明收到了很好的效果。  关键词: “80后”教师 岗位职责 教师负担 专业发展 自我超越  年轻教师的专业发展直接影响学校的可持续发展。尤其“80后”教