青海省果洛地区是历史上较为封闭而又独具特色的藏族聚居区之一。它位于中华文明之摇篮——黄河的源头。世代生息繁衍其间的果洛藏族人民,以其强健、剽悍、英勇、顽强、不屈不挠的精神及质朴淳厚的品格而闻名。就在这片土地上,果洛人用他们的智慧与勤劳开发了黄河源头地区,创造了独特的黄河河源文化。其中英雄史诗《格萨尔王传》当之无愧地成为黄河河源文化的主要组成部分。 千百年来,果洛藏族人民在黄河源头广阔的舞台上,导演了一场惊天动地、气壮山河的历史剧,而目前仍在这里存世的《格萨尔王传》正是这一宏伟剧目的脚本。
The Goryu area in Qinghai Province is one of the more closed and unique Tibetan settlements in history. It is located in the cradle of Chinese civilization - the source of the Yellow River. The Tibetan people of Guro who live and breed for generations have known themselves for their strong, agile, heroic, tenacious, indomitable spirit and simple, honest character. Just on this land, Gologists used their wisdom and hard work to develop the source areas of the Yellow River and create a unique culture of the Yellow River Heyuan. One of the heroic epic “King Gesar” deservedly become a major component of the Heyuan culture of the Yellow River. For thousands of years, the Tibetan people of Guro have directed a earth-shattering and glorious historical drama on the vast stage of the Yellow River. The script of this grand repertoire is still the “King of Gesar” still alive here.