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中央书记处对北京的四项建议深得人心,对城市规划和城市建设意义重大。1980年10月国家建委成功地开了全国城市规划工作会议。接着又迎来了中国建筑学会第五次代表大会。两次会议都说第二个春天到了。建设现代化的、高度民主的、高度文明的社会主义国家的目标,党和政府励精图治,决心改革与加强各方面工作的新气象,正在闪耀着光辉。春天的光辉正在激励着我们,期待着我们。 现在我着重提出以下几个问题,进行学术探讨,错误请批评指正。 The central secretariat’s four proposals for Beijing are very popular and have significant implications for city planning and urban construction. In October 1980, the National Construction Commission successfully opened a national urban planning working conference. Then it ushered in the fifth meeting of the Chinese Architectural Society. Both meetings said that the second spring had arrived. The goal of building a modern, highly democratic and highly civilized socialist country, the party and the government making good governance, and determination to reform and strengthen the new atmosphere in all aspects of work are shining brilliantly. The brilliance of spring is inspiring us and looking forward to us. Now I focus on the following questions, conduct academic discussions, and make mistakes to criticize and correct me.