徐汇区结核病防治所自1958年建所以来,开展结核病防、查、治、管工作,和建立基层防治网。结核病死亡率从1959年的38.8/10万下降到1978年的9.4/10万,下降了75.9% (见图一)。1957年、1974年及1979年曾作居民抽样普查,结果见表一。近二十年来,居民的患病率已明显下降,但外区漏报的问题仍未解决。应引起有关方面的重视,及时改进。二十年来工厂患病率从5.5%下降到0.4%;发病率从6.3‰下降到0.8‰,前者下降了93.6%,后者下降了86.9%(见图二)。大学生的患病、发病率从2.3%与8.6‰分别下降为0.17%与1.6‰,前者下降92.6%,后者下降81.4%(见图三)。中学生的患、
Since its establishment in 1958, the TB Prevention and Control Institute of Xuhui District has carried out TB prevention, investigation, treatment and management as well as the establishment of grass-roots prevention and control networks. Tuberculosis mortality dropped from 38.8 per 100,000 in 1959 to 9.4 per 100,000 in 1978, a decrease of 75.9 per cent (see figure I). In 1957, 1974 and 1979 were residents sampling survey results in Table 1. In the past two decades, the prevalence of residents has dropped markedly. However, the problem of omission in the outer zone remains unresolved. Should draw the attention of the parties concerned, promptly improved. The prevalence rate in the two decades dropped from 5.5% to 0.4%; the incidence dropped from 6.3% to 0.8%, while the former decreased by 93.6% and the latter decreased by 86.9% (see Figure 2). The prevalence of undergraduates decreased from 2.3% and 8.6% to 0.17% and 1.6% respectively, while the former decreased by 92.6% and the latter decreased by 81.4% (Figure 3). Middle school students suffering from,