近年来,交通肇事逃逸案发生率不断上升,在这类案件中涂料是最常见的物证。笔者分析了214例案件中的涂料检验情况,现介绍如下: 1 成膜物质检验 214例案件中,认为涂料主要成分一致的有157起,认为有区别的有57起,分别占78%、22%,前者明显高于后者。这一方面是由于交警队对送检的嫌疑车已进行了一定的筛选,更重要的是受检验方法的限制,有些不是同一来源的涂料没能进行区分。
In recent years, the incidence of traffic jams and escaping cases has been on the rise. Coatings are the most common physical evidence in such cases. The author analyzed 214 cases of paint inspection, are as follows: 1 film material test 214 cases, that the main components of paint consistent 157, that there are 57 different, accounting for 78%, respectively, 22 %, The former is significantly higher than the latter. This is due in part to the traffic police team for the inspection of the suspect vehicle has been a certain screening, more importantly, the limits of the test methods, some are not the same source of paint failed to distinguish.