广告语2004年在高考中 闪亮登场,成为高考试卷的一 大看点。美国著名广告家奥根 尔维说:“精彩广告语,语言训 练的好材料”。这说明写作广 告语很重要,那么,考生在高 考中应如何写好广告语呢。 一、巧用修辞 运用修辞格,是为了把广 告语修饰得优美些、生动些、 感人些。以生动形象的文字 准确表达广告意图。 (1)对偶
The slogan made its debut in the college entrance examination in 2004 and became a major highlight of the exam paper. Well-known American advertising expert Ogenvi said: “Great slogans, good materials for language training.” This shows that it is very important to write a sign language. Then, how can a candidate write a slogan in the college entrance examination? 1. Rhetoric Rhetoric The use of rhetoric is to modify the Cantonese language more gracefully, vividly, and movingly. Express advertising intent with vivid text. (1) Duality