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工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点。中学文言文教学是中学语文课程的重要组成部分,但文言文教学的低效现状令人担忧。走出教学误区,让作为传统文化载体的文言文充分发扬传统文化的人文魅力,使学生在字词教学中培养文言文基本阅读能力,在诗文欣赏中培养学习兴趣,在古人的精神追求与审美情趣的熏陶中陶冶情操,在教学点滴的文化渗透中培养古典情怀,让中学文言文教学充分发挥出它的教育功能,促使青少年在成长初期逐渐形成受用终生的精神品质。 The unity of instrumentality and humanity is the basic characteristic of Chinese course. Middle school classical Chinese teaching is an important part of secondary school Chinese curriculum, but the inefficient status quo of classical Chinese teaching is worrying. Out of the misunderstanding of teaching, the classical Chinese, as the carrier of traditional culture, gives full play to the humanistic charm of traditional culture so that students can cultivate the basic reading ability of classical Chinese in the teaching of words, cultivate their interest in learning poems, and pursue the aesthetic pursuit of the ancient people Cultivate sentiments in the nurturing, cultivate the classical feelings in the drip culture infiltration, so that middle school classical Chinese teaching give full play to its educational function, prompting young people in the early stages of growth gradually formed by the use of mental qualities of life.