智慧南京 服务全球——南京服务外包产业发展简述

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9月19日,由中国国际贸易促进委员会、南京市人民政府主办,中国国际贸易促进委员会经济信息部、江苏省贸促会、南京市商务局共同承办的第七届中国国际服务外包合作大会将在南京举行。这是在第二届夏季青奥会之后,南京市迎来的又一次国际性的盛事。已举办的6届国际服务外包大会共有487家海外发包企业、1180家接包企业参与,项目合作总和53个,达成成交额33.7亿美元,累计进场观众达8.1万人次。作为江苏省会,长三角及华东地区第二大城市,中国科教第三城,中国国家区域中心城市,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称的南京市服务外包产业规模一直居于全国服务外包示范城市前列。2006年,凭借完善的基础设施建设、丰富的科教人才资源以及良好的产业发展条件,南京市成为首批“中国服务外包示范城市”。八年来,南京始终将发展服务外包作为凸显南京人才科教优势、推动全市经济社会发展实现创新驱动、内生增长、绿色发展的有效手段,集中力量和资源,全力推动全市服务外包量质并进。 On September 19, the Seventh China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Nanjing Municipal People’s Government, Economic Information Department of CCPIT, Jiangsu CCPIT and Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce will be held in Nanjing Hold. This is another international event to be held in Nanjing after the Second Summer Youth Olympic Games. The 6th International Service Outsourcing Conference held a total of 487 overseas contracting enterprises and 1180 participating enterprises with a total of 53 cooperation projects with a total turnover of 3.37 billion U.S. dollars with a total of 81,000 visitors. As the second largest city in the Jiangsu provincial capitals, the Yangtze River Delta and East China, the third city of science and education in China and the national regional center in China, the scale of Nanjing’s service outsourcing industry is the capital of the “Six Dynasties Ancient Capital” and “ Has been living in the forefront of the national service outsourcing model city. In 2006, Nanjing became the first batch of ”Model Outsourcing Cities for Service Outsourcing in China" with its sound infrastructural facilities, abundant resources of science and education personnel as well as favorable industrial development conditions. Over the past eight years, Nanjing has always regarded service outsourcing as an effective means of highlighting the advantages of science and education in Nanjing and promoting the city’s economic and social development to achieve innovation-driven, endogenous growth and green development. It has concentrated its resources and resources on efforts to push forward the quality of service outsourcing in the city.
鉴于γ-氨基-β-羟基丁酸(GABOB)可透过血脑屏障,与GABA-受体结合良好并具有GABA 相似的生理作用,作者乃合成了若干GABOB 环状衍生物,主要是在N-取代物羟基上进行醚化和酯化
本文所研究的片剂有苯乙双胍,氯磺丙脲,克罗米芬枸橼酸盐,氨茶碱,安定醋氨酚以及速尿。试验用的装置为将USP 所用转篮,改为5.5cm 高(原为3.66cm)256目筛(代替40目筛),使用的
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