
来源 :体育世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yancliu
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祁连山中部的土城是各民族杂居的地方,这里人口虽然不多,但各族人民和睦相处,互通有无,到现在仍然保持着质朴的民风,这里的人们不善言辩,不会骗人,热情好客。因为交通不便,老百姓长期与世隔绝,人民的生活十分贫苦,尽管如此,每年的八月都要举办那达幕大会。一年四季只有八月,人们才从沉重的劳动中解放出来。这个时候,庄稼快要成熟了,气温不冷不热,人们的脸上绽开了笑容。草滩上草旺,畜壮,家家都有肉吃,是串亲威和会朋友的大好季节。我最高兴的是可以看到“姑娘追”了,这是那达幕大会中最精彩的一个节目。在内地,人们在茶余饭后都要从事一些简单的体育运动以消除一天紧张工作后的疲劳。在祁连山一年到头只有这一天,人们才能真正走出家门,痛痛快快地玩上一场,乐上一场。那达幕大会是地方政府主办的,也是政府官员们布置生产任务和发号施令的机会,因此一般比较隆重。会场中央是比赛场地,有足球场那么大,人们坐在四周。不少年轻人为了迎接大会,提前一个月就开始训马了。 Tucheng in the middle of the Qilian Mountains is a place where people of various nationalities live together. Although not many people live here, the people of all ethnic groups live in harmony with each other and enjoy each other’s needs. Now people still maintain a rustic folk style. People here speak unspeakably and will not lie, Hospitality. Because of the inconvenience of transportation, people are isolated from the world for a long time. People’s life is very poor. However, the curtain meeting will be held every August. Only in August and all the year round are people liberated from heavy labor. At this time, the crops are about to mature, the temperature is lukewarm, and people’s faces bloom with a smile. Lawn grass on the grass, livestock Zhuang, every family has meat to eat, is the good news of friends and relatives of the good seasons. I am most happy to see “girl chasing ”, this is one of the most wonderful program of the curtain curtain. In the Mainland, people are engaged in simple sports activities after gossip to eliminate their fatigue after a long day of stressful work. Only this day in the Qilian Mountains at the end of the year, people can really go out of the house, playing a happy, enjoyable. The Nadida Conference was hosted by the local government and was also an opportunity for government officials to arrange production tasks and issue orders. Therefore, it was generally grand. Central venue is the venue, there are football fields so large, people sit around. In order to meet the General Assembly, many young people began to train their horses a month in advance.
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南宋孝宗(赵春)在淳熙年间(1174年)所铸钱币是两宋铸钱风格转变时代、别树一帜,一、背文以数字记年。二、以来体楷书为主。三、对钱及光背逐渐停止。 Southern Song Xiaozo