Preface Ordinary series power supply, better performance, but the output voltage and input voltage difference between the larger. Namely adjust the emitter - collector voltage difference between the larger, the minimum voltage difference of about 2-3 volts. Therefore, the efficiency of this DC power supply is relatively low, usually 60 ~ 80%. In order to improve the efficiency of the DC regulated power supply, a switching power supply is designed so that the regulating pipe is in a switch state. The efficiency of the power is improved. Its efficiency is usually 75 ~ 90%. But the line is more complex, the performance is generally not high, whether through some channels. Can be done with high efficiency, good performance DC power supply it? This is the designer often consider the issue. I refer to some information, design and test of such DC power supply, and achieved satisfactory results, are presented below. It is inappropriate to comrades please correct me.