不管是北京市民还是到京旅游参观的客人都惊讶地发现:北京是一年比一年漂亮了。尤其是近几年,北京的环境变化是一天一个样,所以,时下的北京哪怕是在寒冷的冬天,仍然披红挂绿,靓丽一新。 遗憾的是,由于内蒙古、河北及周边环境的破坏,2000年北京不时遭受沙尘暴的袭击,给北京的绿色形象蒙上了一层灰色的阴影。面对风沙,北京市制定了《北京市风沙源综合治理工程实施方案》,把风沙源的综合治理作为全市防沙治沙工作的重中之重。从2000年到2010年,将投入60多亿元用于北京风沙源的治理。北京目前正在加快三道绿色生态屏障建设:远治山
Whether Beijing citizens or tourists to Beijing are surprised to discover: Beijing is beautiful year after year. Especially in recent years, the environmental changes in Beijing are day by day. Therefore, even in the cold winter, Beijing is still in red and green with beautiful scenery. Unfortunately, due to the destruction of Inner Mongolia, Hebei and the surrounding environment, the dust storms that hit Beijing from time to time in 2000 cast a gray shadow on Beijing’s green image. In the face of sandstorm, Beijing formulated “Implementation Plan for Comprehensive Management of Windstorm Sources in Beijing”, taking the comprehensive management of sandstorms as the most important task in preventing desertification in the whole city. From 2000 to 2010, more than 6 billion yuan will be invested in the management of the sandstorm source in Beijing. Beijing is now accelerating the construction of three green ecological barriers: Yuanjiashan