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《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:“幼儿园应充分利用自然环境和社区教育资源,引导幼儿感受祖国文化的丰富与优秀,感受家乡的变化和发展,激发幼儿爱家乡、爱祖国的情感。”因此,充分利用本土文化资源,加强本土文化教育是时代发展对幼儿园教育提出的新要求。一、把握本土文化核心价值,充分挖掘本土教育资源。本土化文化主要是指扎根本土、世代传承且有民族特色的文化,包括宗教、风土民情、众生群像、民间俚曲、礼俗风尚等方面。本土文化中 The Kindergarten Education Guidance Outline states: “Kindergartens should make full use of the natural environment and community education resources to guide young children to feel the richness and excellence of the motherland’s culture, feel the changes and developments in their hometowns, and inspire the children’s love of their hometown and the love of the motherland.” " Therefore, making full use of local cultural resources and strengthening local culture and education are the new requirements put forward by the development of the times for kindergarten education. First, grasp the core values ​​of local culture, fully tap the local education resources. Localized culture mainly refers to rooted in local culture from generation to generation and have ethnic characteristics, including religion, customs, groups of living beings, folk songs, customs and other aspects of fashion. In native culture
摘 要:红色文学经典的概念源自于20世纪90年代,它具有独特的文学艺术审美价值,在叙事技巧和思想内容等方面具有显著特点。深入研究红色文学经典的艺术特点,对了解我国的革命文化及文学发展历程具有积极意义。本文主要从民间叙事形式、悲剧性的审美倾向、古典文化与世俗文化的融合等方面,全面分析了红色文学经典的艺术特征。  关键词:红色文学 艺术特点 文化  20世纪60年代初诗人钱祖承、徐荣街在《接班人之歌》