优质杂交早籼新组合华优桂99经多年试验示范 ,表现出优质、高产、高抗稻瘟等特点 ,并于2000~2001年先后通过广西、广东及全国农作物品种审定。一、产量表现华优桂99于1998年晚季在藤县和饶平县农科所参加品比 ,平均产量为466.0kg/667m2 和427
Huayou Gui 99, a new high-quality early indica hybrid rice combination, has been tested and demonstrated for many years with high quality, high yield and high resistance to rice blast. It was approved by Guangxi, Guangdong and China in 2000 and 2001 respectively. First, the yield performance Huayou Gu 99 in late 1998 in Teng County and Raoping County Agricultural Science Institute to participate in the ratio, the average yield of 466.0kg / 667m2 and 427