青青小荷梦飞扬 第七届“小荷风采”全国少儿舞蹈展演综述

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盛夏生机盎然、小荷绽放清华,以“青青小荷梦飞扬”为主题的第七届“小荷风采”全国少儿舞蹈展演活动,7月26日至7月31日分别在北京清华大学新清华学堂、北京市丰台区少年宫圆满落下帷幕。由山西、宁夏、内蒙古、广西、云南、青海、重庆等三十多个省、自治区、直辖市精心推选,汇集了173个精彩的少儿舞蹈作品、5000多名参赛选手,分别于“小荷风采”清华大学主会场和丰台区分会场的舞蹈台上尽情展示,成为“小荷风采”自创办以来,参赛人数最多、参赛作品最精、荟萃规模最大的一届。在这个热情的夏天,以少年儿童的纯真与激情,以“童心、童真、童趣、童智、童 Summer full of vitality, lotus bloom Tsinghua University, ”Green Xiao Heifei “ as the theme of the seventh ”Xiao Dutch style “ national children’s dance performances, July 26 to July 31 respectively in Beijing Tsinghua University Tsinghua New School, Fengtai District, Beijing Children’s Palace came to a successful conclusion. By Shanxi, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Yunnan, Qinghai, Chongqing, more than 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities carefully selected, bringing together 173 exciting children’s dance pieces, more than 5,000 contestants, respectively, ”Tsinghua University, the main venue and Fengtai venue to enjoy the dance stage show, “ Since the founding of the ”, the largest number of entries, the best entries, the largest gathering of the year. In this passionate summer, with children’s innocence and passion, with "innocence, innocence, childlike, childlike, childlike