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通过对高等院校体育院、系体育教育专业本科专业学生田径十二项运动技能的问卷调查分析,分别对各个项目进行分类排序,发现学生对短距离跑等技术项目学习效果抱有较大的信心,而对于体育科研学习效果则持近乎否定的态度,对其产生原因进行分析发现各田径运动单项虽都分属快速力量性、速度性、耐力性的体能主导类项群,但不同的动作结构特点以及技术性要求才是产生学生学习难度差异的主要原因。 Through the questionnaire survey and analysis of twelve athletic skills of undergraduate majors of physical education in institutions of higher learning, we sorted the items separately, and found that the students had a greater effect on the learning effects of short distance running and other technical projects Confidence, but for sports scientific research learning effect is almost negative attitude, to analyze its causes found that although the individual track and field athletics belong to the rapid strength, speed, endurance-oriented physical-led groups, but different actions Structural characteristics and technical requirements is the main reason for differences in student learning difficulty.
【摘要】全程目标管理是实现事业经费科学高效管理的重要途径,文章引入系统控制理论,遵循事业经费运行的基本过程,结合当前事业经费管理存在的弊病,从预算效益目标、执行效益目标两个方面,阐述了全程目标管理的主要方法。  【关键词】事业经费 全程目标管理 效益目标    事业经费是各级政府机关和企事业单位完成各项事务的物质基础,强化事业经费管理对社会主义现代化建设具有重大的现实意义。正因为如此,事业经费成为