《商品房销售管理办法》是随房改的推进和房地产市场的变化应运而生的 ,既做到客观公正又适当向消费者倾斜。《办法》的突出贡献是将以前“模糊的东西明确了 ,原则的东西细化了 ,不完善的东西补充了。”通篇体现“知情权” ,是建国以来第一部专门规范商品房销售行为的行业规章?
“Housing sales management approach” is with the housing reform and real estate market changes came into being, both to be objective and fair and appropriate to the consumer tilt. The outstanding contribution of the “Measures” is to clarify the former “fuzzy things, and to refine the principle stuffs and supplement imperfections.” Throughout the course of “right to information”, it was the first specialized regulation of sales of commercial houses since the founding of the People’s Republic Industry regulations?