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2004年1月21日,农历大年三十。中共中央总书记胡锦涛挂念着贫困地区的干部群众,专程到张家口市张北县油篓沟乡喜顺沟村看望干部群众。这给了全村干部群众极大的鼓舞,最近,我们到喜顺沟村采访,看到了全村群众在党支部的带领下致富奔小康的喜人景象。“一个农村党支部的工作,最重要的就是为群众办实事、办好事,使群众富起来。”这是喜顺沟村党支部书记闫林对我们说的第一句话。喜顺沟村由1992年人均纯收入不足300元的贫困村变为2003年人均纯收入1830元的富裕村,全在于有一个被群众誉为“坚强的堡垒”的党支部。为群众办实事十几年如一日喜顺沟村党支部始终如一地 January 21, 2004, Lunar New Year thirty. General Secretary Hu Jintao of the CPC Central Committee remembers the cadres and masses in poor areas and made a special trip to see the cadres and masses in the Xishungou Village of Youzangou Township, Zhangbei County, Zhangjiakou City. This gave great encouragement to the cadres and the masses in the village. Recently, we went to interview the village of Xishungou and saw the gratifying sight of the masses of the whole village under the leadership of the Party branch to get rich and run well. “The work of a rural party branch, the most important thing is to do real things for the masses, to do good deeds, so that the masses get rich.” This is the first sentence of Yan Lin, secretary of party branch of the village of Xishougou. The village of Shunshugou changed from a poor village with a per capita net income of less than 300 yuan in 1992 to a well-to-do village with a net income of 1,830 yuan per capita in 2003, all of which was called a “strong fortress” party branch. To do practical things for the masses more than a decade as a day like the cis-party village party consistently
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