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“一个有中国这么多人口的国家:应在国际象棋强国中取得应有的位置。您,作为中国第一位世界冠军,正表明了这点。继续努力,让您的国家和人民为您感到骄傲。”这是国际棋联主席坎博马纳斯,写给浙江省温州市12岁的少女诸宸的一封贺信中的几句话。喜讯传来,笔者登门访问了刚从罗马尼亚蒂米什瓦拉夺得“儿童与和平”国际象棋世界锦标赛女子12岁组冠军,凯旋归来的诸宸小朋友。值得骄傲和赞赏的是:在60多个国家约250余名小棋手参加的国际象棋世界锦标赛中,诸宸以敏捷的思维,准确的算度,泼辣的棋风,精彩的绝杀,力挫群 “A country with so many Chinese people: you should get it where you are in a powerhouse of chess, and you, as China’s first world champion, is showing it. Continue working to make your country and people feel for you Pride. ”This is a few words from a congratulation letter from Chebumanas, FIDE president, to Zhuochen, a 12-year-old girl in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province. With good news, I visited the women’s 12-year-old champion who won the Chess World Championship “Children and Peace” from Timişoara, Romania, and returned home in triumphs. Proud and appreciated are: In more than 60 countries in more than 60 small chess players to participate in the Chess World Championship, Zhu Chen with agile thinking, accurate calculation, pungent chess, wonderful lore, frustration group