本报讯记者耿军报道8月初,BlueC o a t系统公司发布了一项新的用于M A C H5加速技术架构的带宽管理和服务质量增强功能(QoS)。MACH5已被集成在BlueCoatSG系列设备中,设备现在可以根据对用户、应用和应用交互性的一个全面理解,以业务流程、应用和用户为基础对流量进行优先排序,
In early August, BlueCorre Systems announced a new bandwidth management and quality of service (QoS) enhancement for the MA AcH technology architecture. MACH5 has been integrated into BlueCoatSG appliances and devices now have the ability to prioritize traffic based on business processes, applications, and users based on a comprehensive understanding of users, applications, and application interactivity,