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1961年,中国远洋运输公司成立时的第一条船——“光华”轮的首航任务,是赴印尼雅加达港接运受难的华侨华人回国。作为中国最大的航运企业,中远集团第一次企业行为就与国民的命运联系了起来。此后,在中远近50年的发展史上,中远人又多次受命于危难之中。完成撤侨、接运援外人员撤离动乱地区等艰巨的任务。从传统的企业社会责任理论来说,能够给社会提供更多的工作岗位,是一个企业对社会稳定和人民生活最大的贡献。中远提供的就业机会不仅限于中国。目前中远在全球除中国外的50个国家700多个机构中,共雇佣了4088名外籍雇员,为促进全球就业作出了贡献,为维护美国码头工人的就业,保住了美国波士顿9000人的就业机会。 In 1961, the first vessel of China Ocean Shipping Company, the first ship of “Guanghua”, was set up as the maiden voyage mission to return overseas to overseas countries residing in Jakarta, Indonesia. As China’s largest shipping company, COSCO Group’s first corporate conduct has been linked to the fate of its citizens. Since then, COSCO has repeatedly been placed under siege in the development history of COSCO Group for nearly 50 years. Complete the arduous task of evacuating overseas Chinese and transporting and transporting personnel outside the turmoil area. From the traditional theory of corporate social responsibility, to provide more jobs for the community, is a business to social stability and the greatest contribution to people’s lives. COSCO’s employment opportunities are not limited to China. At present, COSCO employs 4,088 foreign employees in more than 700 agencies in 50 countries in the world excluding China, contributing to promoting global employment. In order to maintain the employment of American dock workers and secure the employment opportunities of 9,000 people in Boston in the United States .
最近,在同济大学召开的一个有关“中德道路信号灯研讨会”上,有专家指出,红绿灯间隔时间设计不合理是造成行人乱穿马路的原因之一。行人等待红灯的忍耐极限,德国人是60秒,英国人是45秒,而中国从来没有做过相关的测试。  在红灯面前能等待多久不仅仅是一个心理、行为的问题,也不仅仅是解决交通效率、安全和更人性化的问题,它是民族性格的一个方面的反映。  胡适先生曾有过一篇描述中国人性格的文章,叫做《差不多先生
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春丰雪韭是河南省培育的新品种。该品种具有791雪韭的耐寒性,又有平韭2号的抗病性,适应性强,全国各地均可栽培,深受广大菜农欢迎。 春丰雪韭株高50厘米,株丛直立,叶鞘粗壮,
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