上周,在线服务商Prodigy将其陈旧的网络卖出,进而集中力量于内容开发上。这一举措表明了Internet将来发展的一个重要方向。但就这一点而言,许多企业的权威均作出了错误的预测。Prodigy作为第一家面向全美范围用户的在线服务商,将其网络基础设施以500万美元的价格卖给了一家德州的公司。作为该行业中最大的公司,13年的服务历程使其已远远落后于占领先地位的America Online及CompuServe,仅有100万用户。据公司方面称,该举措使其更能放手进行集中于内容研究方面的业务。他们从未做过有关内容方面的业务,他们又怎么能认为现在就可以做了呢?在作这一决定时,Prodigy及许多权威忽
Last week, online service provider Prodigy sold its obsolete Web site to concentrate on content development. This move shows an important direction for the future development of the Internet. But at this point, the authority of many businesses have made the wrong prediction. Prodigy, the first online service for nationwide users, sold its network infrastructure to a Texas company for $ 5 million. As the largest company in the industry, 13 years of service have left behind just one million users at its flagship America Online and CompuServe. According to the company, the move makes it more likely to let go of its business focusing on content research. They have never done anything about the content business, how can they think they can do it now? In making this decision, Prodigy and many authority suddenly