In the past, surgical treatment of ulcer disease in Japan was almost exclusively based on gastrectomy as the only surgical method. However, with the in-depth understanding of the pathogenesis, it is recognized that the pathogenesis of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is different, and that the same disease is not exactly the same in different patients, so a single surgical method is not suitable for various causes. Treatment needs of the condition. Therefore, in the past more than 10 years, since the vagotomy has been performed in particular, some major medical institutions have begun to consider gastric acid and ulcers and considered whether or not there is stomach dilatation or other pathological changes, general condition, age, postoperative functional recovery, complications, and safety. And so on, select a more reasonable surgical method; a few units will also use plasma gastrin as one of the reference for the choice of surgical methods. Regarding gastric acid, attention should be paid to the degree of increase, the predominance of the cephalic or gastric phase, and the acid-reducing effect of different surgical methods. But except