
来源 :中国边防警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yxzxyzxz
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“老边防,老边防,我的好兄弟,你那走不完的路总穿梭在我心间,遍地的荆棘,刺骨的严寒,让我知道了什么是信念;老边防,老边防,我的好兄弟,你那趟不完的河总打湿我双眼,读你的沧桑,读你的情感,让我知道了什么是奉献。”每当耳畔响起这首熟悉的旋律,我的思绪总会回到过去那厚重绵长的岁月里,想起老边防的那些事。我为他们无私奉献的情怀所动,为他们高风亮节的风骨所感,于是记下了这一个个鲜活的人物。 “Old border defense, old border defense, my good brother, your endless road always shuttle in my heart, everywhere thorns, bitter cold, let me know what is belief; the old border defense, the old border defense, my Good brother, your endless river always wet my eyes, read your vicissitudes, read your feelings, let me know what is dedication. ”Whenever the ear sounded the first familiar melody, my thoughts I will always return to those thick, long years, remembering those old fronts. I am for their selfless dedication of the feelings for their high-spirited feel, so I wrote down this one vivid character.
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