Medicine has always been "Modern" and "Scientific" from ancient times to the pre
【出 处】
Antioxidant and antihyperlipidemic activity of Costus speciosus against atherogenic diet-induced hyp
Objective:An extract of Costus speciosus (CSE),a herb widely used in folk medicine,was evaluated for its antioxidant,antihyperlipidemic and ameliorating effects
许多病人的疾病诊断明确,治疗对症,只因医生少说了一句话,没有告诉病人服药后大约多长时间才有疗效,不少祛病心切的病人,吃药一两天无效就停药、加量或换药,有的甚至反复到多家医院复诊,导致精力、费用的浪费和治疗的延误。 药物的血液浓度,与病人症状减轻,或化验等检查好转,其概念是不同的。前者反映服药后在一定时间内药物在血液中的浓度,而后者反映药物与机体细胞受体结合后,产生的器官功能和组织结构的改变,这要
Discovery and preclinical development of ⅢM-160, a Bergenia ciliata-based anti-inflammatory and anti
Objective:Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Stb.is used in the Indian traditional system of medicine to treat various ailments including rheumatism and to heal wounds.The
Icariin protects vascular endothelial cells from oxidative stress through inhibiting endoplasmic ret
Objective:To investigate the protective effect and underlying mechanism(s) of icariin (ICA) in preventing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced vascular endothelial
Objective:In vitro cell and blood compatibility of three dietary supplements,comprised of multiple plant extracts,Pneumo Go (PG),Green active (GA) and Equistasi
风湿病病情缠绵,反复发作,有时非药物所能奏效,但如能结合食物治疗,则常可获得事半功倍之效。 益肾果——栗 《本草纲目》记载:“有人内寒,暴泄如注,令食煨栗二三十枚顿愈。肾主大便,栗能通肾,于此可验。”《经验方》介绍:肾虚腰膝无力,以袋盛生栗悬干,每日空腹食七枚,再食猪肾粥,久必强健。并认为风干之栗,胜于日曝;久煨之栗,胜于煮蒸。栗因能益肾,故于筋骨、经络风湿痹痛或腰膝无力极为有益。