优化产品结构 增强国际竞争力

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本期刊登金城集团公司、大连新船重工集团公司和中兴通讯股份有限公司实施“走出去”战略,使他们的产品销售打开了海外市场,不仅取得了较好的经济效益,而且丰富了军工企业参与国际市场竞争的经验,读来令人振奋! 市场竞争激烈,优胜劣汰;企业要走出去参与国际市场竞争,风险更大!对于这些,上述三家企业的领导是明白的。为什么他们“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行”呢?主要是:他们高屋建瓴,着眼于企业的长远发展,不断拓展自己的发展空间,有志把企业做大做强。 挑战为勇者所为。在市场经济条件下,机遇与风险同在,有魄力的企业家总是信心百倍,永远不安于现状,打破常规寻求更大发展。他们奋发有为,组织职工对旧的习惯势力和传统现念进行更新,大刀阔斧地改革机制。为适应国际市场的需要,他们重用人才,加强技术改造,有选择地对世界最新技术进行跟踪,积极开发高技术、高附加值产品,并在提高质量和售后服务上下功夫,增强了企业的核心竞争力,使产品在市场竞争中势如破竹,出口规模不断扩大,成绩突出,从而推动了企业的跨越式发展。上述三家企业的经验,值得我们学习和借鉴。 In this issue, Jincheng Group Company, Dalian New Shipbuilding Industry Corporation and ZTE Corporation implemented the “going out” strategy to open their overseas markets for their product sales, which not only achieved good economic benefits but also enriched the military enterprises Participate in the international market competition experience, read exciting! Market competition is fierce, the survival of the fittest; enterprises to go out to participate in international competition, the risk is greater! For these, the leadership of the three companies is clear. Why are they “knowing that there are tigers in the mountains and the tigers in the mountains”? The main ones are: they are high-spirited and build their own homes, focus on the long-term development of the enterprise, and constantly expand their space for development. They are determined to make their enterprises bigger and stronger. The challenge for the brave. Under the conditions of a market economy, opportunities and risks are the same. The courageous entrepreneurs are always confident and will never rest in the status quo and break the routine to seek greater development. They worked hard to organize the workers and staff to update the old habits and traditions, and to make drastic changes in the mechanism. In order to meet the needs of the international market, they reuse talents, strengthen technological transformation, selectively track the latest technologies in the world, actively develop high-tech and high value-added products, and work hard to improve quality and after-sales service, which enhances the core of the enterprise Competitiveness, so that products in the market competition Shousha Zhu, expanding the scale of exports, outstanding achievements, thereby promoting the leaps and bounds of business development. The experience of the above three companies deserves our study and reference.
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根据我国制造业现有基础和实现跨越式发展的战略目标,21 世纪,我国制造业有四种发展战略可供选择: (一)对于我国具有“比较优势”的制造产业,要大胆实施“走出去”的发展战略
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