Low-Complexity Soft-Output Detection for Massive MIMO Using SCBiCG and Lanczos Methods

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Massive MIMO is a promising technology to improve spectral efficiency, cell coverage, and system capacity for 5G. However, these benefits take place at great cost of computational complexity, especially in systems with hundreds of antennas at the base station. This paper aims to address the minimum mean square error(MMSE) detection in uplink massive MIMO systems utilizing the symmetric complex bi-conjugate gradients(SCBiCG) and the Lanczos method. Both the proposed methods can avoid the large scale matrix inversion which is necessary for MMSE, thus, reducing the computational complexity by an order of magnitude with respect to the number of user equipment. To enable the proposed methods for soft-output detection, we also derive an approximating calculation scheme for the log-likelihood ratios(LLRs), which further reduces the complexity. We compare the proposed methods with existing exact and approximate detection methods. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve near-optimal performance of MMSE detection with relatively low computational complexity. Massive MIMO is a promising technology to improve spectral efficiency, cell coverage, and system capacity for 5G. However, these benefits take place at great cost of computational complexity, especially in systems with hundreds of antennas at the base station. This paper aims to address the minimum mean square error (MMSE) detection in uplink massive MIMO systems utilizing the symmetric complex bi-conjugate gradients (SCBiCG) and the Lanczos method. Both of the proposed methods can avoid the large scale matrix inversion which is necessary for MMSE, thus, reducing the computational complexity by an order of magnitude with respect to the number of user equipment. To enable the proposed methods for soft-output detection, we also derive an approximating calculation scheme for the log-likelihood ratios (LLRs), which further reduces the complexity . We compare the proposed methods with existing exact and approximate detection methods. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methods can ach ieve near-optimal performance of MMSE detection with relatively low computational complexity.
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摘 要:塔梁同步施工技术在现有城市桥梁工程建设环境中已经极为普遍,其本身因具备多方面统筹和同步施工的条件,针对相应施工工期和质量的把控更偏于科学化,促使现有城市经济建设效率有明显提升,并为后续工程的使用提供了扎实且稳定的技术型平台,特别是针对传统混合梁斜拉桥这种大型工程,若能有效开展施工融合,成效收益将更加明显。本文依据混合梁斜拉桥塔梁同步施工技术的特性展开可行性分析,确定相应混合重点同时,确定相
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