In order to solve the existing problems that the manual operation with high risk of the electric power industry,large labor intensity and low degree of automation,combining with the existing various climbing robot at domestic and foreign,on this basis,a kind of high-altitude power-on-live robot suitable for the field is designed.The model with the 3D modeling software Pro / E is established.with the help of the working principle of the robot.Adopting the mechanical dynamics simulation software ADAMS,a virtual prototype model for the whole machine and the dynamics simulation is carried out.Finally,the result demonstrates the feasibility of the design.
In order to solve the existing problems that the manual operation with high risk of the electric power industry, large labor intensity and low degree of automation, combining with the existing various climbing robot at domestic and foreign, on this basis, a kind of high- altitude power-on-live robot suitable for the field is designed. The model with the 3D modeling software Pro / E is established. with the help of the working principle of the robot. Adopting the mechanical dynamics simulation software ADAMS, a virtual prototype model for the whole machine and the dynamics simulation is carried out. Finally, the result demonstrates the feasibility of the design.