I had my honeymoon inNew Zealand. It was anine-day self-drivingtour. At first I thought wewere crazy to have chosenNew Zealand given the priceof the whole budget. Besides,I was a bit apprehensive as itwas my first time to go to anunfamiliar place withoutjoining a tour package. However,the fear and anxiety were quicklydissolved by the marvelousscenery as well as the kindnessand warmth of New Zealanders.When I finally visited the place, Isimply fell in love with it.
I was my honeymoon inNew Zealand. It was anine-day self-drivingtour. At first I thought weweer crazy to have chosenNew Zealand given the priceof the whole budget. Besides, I was a bit apprehensive as itwas my first time to go to anunfamiliar place However, the fear and anxiety were quickly resolved by the marvelousss as well as the kindnessand warmth of New Zealanders.When I finally visited the place, Isimply fell in love with it.