本文以广州市为例 ,描述了工人群体正在经历外来人口替代本地人、农村人替代城里人、年轻人替代中年人和较高教育程度替代低教育程度的人这样一个过程。导致这一过程的主要原因有劳动力市场的分割、工人地位下降、新兴产业和工业外移等。工人群体变动对中国社会产生的影响是将产生一个新型的工人阶层 ,这一阶层会形成自己的社会支持网络 ,自己的行为模式和价值体系
Taking Guangzhou as an example, this paper describes a process in which workers’ groups are experiencing the replacement of natives by migrants, replacement of urban residents by rural residents, replacement of middle-aged people by young people, and replacement of lower education by higher education. The main causes of this process are labor market segmentation, declining labor status, emerging industries and industrial relocation. The impact of changes in the working-class community on Chinese society will result in a new type of working class that will form its own social support network, its own patterns of behavior and value systems