目的调查北京市儿科医疗资源总量和配置现状,分析其特点和原因,为加强北京市医疗机构儿科建设提供参考。方法采用描述性统计方法,对北京市儿科医疗资源总量以及现有儿科资源在不同类型、不同等级、不同性质、不同区域医疗机构间的配置情况进行统计。结果北京市各级医院拥有儿科执业(助理)医师2 884名,开放床位数4 690张。北京儿科执业(助理)医师占北京市总执业(助理)医师数的1.99%,儿科门急诊人次数占北京市各级医疗机构年门急诊人次数的7.68%,在儿童专科医院、综合医院儿科病床高效运转,使用率较高,为84.1%~90.9%。近90%以上的儿科资源包括优质资源集中在公立医疗机构,80%左右的儿科医疗资源集中在三级医院,80%以上的儿科医疗资源集中在北京城区。结论北京市儿科医疗资源总量不足且配置不均衡,资源分布呈现向专科医院、高层次医疗机构、城区和公立非赢利性医院集中的状态。
Objective To investigate the total amount and configuration of pediatric medical resources in Beijing, analyze its characteristics and causes, and provide reference for strengthening pediatric construction in medical institutions in Beijing. Methods Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the total amount of pediatric medical resources in Beijing and the current distribution of pediatric resources in different types, levels, types and regions of different medical institutions. Results There were 2,884 pediatric assistant (assistant) physicians and hospitals of all levels in Beijing with 4,690 open beds. Beijing Pediatric Practitioners (Assistant) physicians accounted for 1.99% of the total number of practicing (assistant) physicians in Beijing, accounting for 7.68% of the total number of pediatric outpatient and emergency services at all levels of medical institutions in Beijing. In pediatric and general hospital pediatrics The efficient operation of the bed, the use of a higher rate of 84.1% to 90.9%. Nearly 90% of pediatric resources include high quality resources concentrated in public medical institutions, about 80% of pediatric medical resources are concentrated in tertiary hospitals, and more than 80% of pediatric medical resources are concentrated in Beijing urban areas. Conclusion The total amount of pediatric medical resources in Beijing is not enough and its allocation is not balanced. The distribution of resources shows the concentration in specialized hospitals, high-level medical institutions, urban areas and public non-profit hospitals.