,Electronic structures and magnetic properties in SmC07-xMx

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:topccb
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The electronic structures and magnetic properties of SmCo7-xMx;(M=Ti,si,Zr,Hf,Cu,B,Ag,Ga,Mn)com-pounds are investigated by using a spin-polarized MS-X.Q method.The results show that the long-range ferromagneticorder is determined by a stronger 3d-5d interaction,rather than the traditional RKKY interaction,and the effects ofdoping element M on 3d-5d coupling are negligible in Sm-Co-based compounds.The nonmagnetic dopant Si atomshave a larger effect on the moments of 2e site although they preferably occupy the Co 3g sites,which results in thestronger uniaxial anisotropy of this compound.Analysis of the formation energies indicates that 5d-element dopedcompounds are more stable than other dopants,and furthermore,they have a higher Curie temperature above roomtemperature,which will be in favor of their potential application as high-temperature permanent magnets.
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本文通过对突厥、蒙古及满-通古斯语言中具有肯定意义和否定意义的词群的 语音及意义进行对比研究,构拟了共同阿尔泰语时期可能存在的肯定动词* ba-~ * bi-和否定动词* a-~* e-,同时列