The national standard of slow-release fertilizer (GB / T23348-2009) stipulates that the nitrogen release rate of fertilizer is determined by Kjeldahl method at 25 ° C. However, the leaching period of this method is relatively long and time-consuming. The rapid extraction at 100 ℃ and the spectrophotometric determination of nitrogen with p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde were used to determine the nitrogen release rate of two typical resin-coated urea by this method and Kjeldahl method at 25 ℃. The results showed that the correlation between the two methods was very significant, R2 were 1 and 0.9997.100 ℃, respectively. The extraction of p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde by spectrophotometry can accurately predict the resin-coated urea extraction at 25 ℃ Determination of nitrogen release rate and nutrient releasing period by nitrogen fixation method.