
来源 :电影文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haru
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让·雷诺阿的前期电影作品深受父亲奥古斯特·雷诺阿绘画风格的影响,对自然主义文学作品的推崇使他先后将左拉的小说《娜娜》《衣冠禽兽》和莫泊桑的小说《乡村一日》改编成电影,在继承原作风格的基础上,他的电影将自然主义的理念、印象派绘画风格以及“诗意现实主义”融合在了一起。 Jean Renoir’s early film was deeply influenced by his father Auguste Renoir’s painting style. His respects on the naturalist literary works led him to write Zola’s novels Nana, Country Day “adapted into a movie, based on the style of the original inheritance, his film will be the concept of naturalism, Impressionist painting style and ” poetic realism "together.