赵文彬饰贺人杰(右一),于素秋饰褚彪(右二),张君秋饰黄天霸(右三),毛家华饰施仕伦(中坐者),张伯铭饰关泰(左三),杨宝森饰朱光祖(左二),李元龙饰金大力(左一)。 在浩如烟海的京剧演出名伶合作史中,有一场难能可贵的京剧名伶合作戏,演员阵容及琴师、配角和底包的人选堪称“空前绝后”。演出在解放伊始的“冒险家乐园”——香港。在当时的历史条件下,内地的新闻媒体电台、报刊均
Zhao Wenbin decorated He Jie (right), Yu Suqiu decoration Chu Biao (second from right), Zhang Junqiu decorated yellow tyrants (third from right), Mao Jiahua decorated Shi Lun (seated), Zhang Bo Ming decorated with Thai (third from left) Decorated Zhu Guangzu (second from left), Li Yuanlong decorated vigorously (left). In the vast history of Peking opera celebrity-songwriter cooperation, there is a commendable Peking opera actress, actress and luthier, supporting role and the end of the bag candidate called “unprecedented.” Performance at the beginning of the liberation of “adventurer paradise” - Hong Kong. At the time under the historical conditions, the mainland news media, radio and newspapers are