
来源 :水雷战与舰船防护 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skyob
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德国未来的反水雷包括2个重点,一是反水雷,另一个是反临时水下爆炸装置。为达到此目的,德国海军既要考虑合理地使用现有的装备,也需要根据需求开发新的对抗措施和装置。现有的“长尾鲨”一次性灭雷具和“海獭”自主水下航行器是猎雷的主要装备,而特洛伊卡遥控扫雷系统和刚性充气艇拖曳的扫雷具则是主要的扫雷装备。还介绍了正在研发和已研发的新型反水雷装备和平台。 The future of Germany’s anti-mine movement includes two key points, one is anti-mine and the other is anti-provisional underwater explosive device. To this end, the German Navy must consider the rational use of existing equipment, but also need to develop new countermeasures and devices. Existing “long-tailed shark ” disposable destroyers and “sea otter ” autonomous underwater vehicle is the main equipment for hunting thunder, and Trojan card remote control de-mining system and rigid inflatable boat towed miners are the main Mine clearance equipment. The new anti-mine equipment and platform being developed and developed have also been introduced.
劲锐人物:孔洁,高中毕业于浙江省乐清中学,现就读于清华大学人文科学实验班。2015年高考成绩706分。  高一时,身在普通班的我偶然站上过全校第一名的山巅,那是一种难以形容的感觉,我仿佛看到自己站在了清华那著名的二校门前。但此后无论我再怎样努力,都无法延续这样的辉煌,甚至连重点班都没能进入。高三的第一天,我坐在教室里,看着暮色慢慢地漫进来,第一次对未来产生了恐惧感,第一次怀疑自己的梦想是不是仅仅是