时光已经进入了深秋的凉爽,树叶渐渐泛出了金黄。此时,拉萨北郊赛马场的片片草坪却露出了绿芽尖尖,给人以初春的愉悦。这得力于今年夏秋之季拉萨充沛的降水量,但更得归功于社会各界对赛马场工程所倾注的汗水和心雨的浇灌。 让我们走进这个正在争分夺秒改扩建的第六届全国民运会西藏赛区的主赛场之一,聚焦赛马场,品味赛马场那——
Time has come into the late autumn cool, leaves gradually glow golden. At this time, the lawn of the racetrack in the northern suburbs of Lhasa has exposed the sharp green shoots, giving the joy of early spring. This can be attributed to the abundant precipitation in Lhasa this summer and autumn, but it can also be attributed to the sweat and rain that the community has devoted to racecourse projects. Let’s walk into this main arena of the Sixth National People’s Games Tibet Division, which is racing against time and changing and expanding. We will focus on the racecourse and taste the racetrack -