Space X的总裁认为没有不能解决的外星挑战。人们对“火箭科学家”Gwynne Shotwell所知甚少。当然,作为Space X的总裁,她拥有西北大学机械工程学位和应用数学硕士学位,但当她穿着公司的T恤和运动鞋,或是黑色紧身牛仔裤和超高高跟鞋,神情愉快地谈论着她喜欢的Chardonnay(译者注:霞多丽葡萄酿造的一种名酒),不是谁都会把这个开着一辆亮红色的特斯拉Model S(特斯拉和
Space X’s president thinks there are no unsolvable alien challenges. Little is known about “Rocket Scientist ” Gwynne Shotwell. Of course, as president of Space X, she holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics from Northwestern University, but when she wears her company’s T-shirt and sneakers, or black skinny jeans and super-heeled shoes, she talks happily about her likes Chardonnay, not everyone will turn this on with a bright red Tesla Model S (Tesla and