研究了江苏省里下河地区10年生I 69杨无性系(PopulusdeltoidesBartr.cv.“Lux”)人工林的碳储量及其动态。结果表明,林分总的碳储量为(136.2±15.9)(平均值±标准差)t/hm2,其中林木、林下植物、A0层以及土壤的碳储量分别为(74.1±8.3),(0.3±0.1),(1.9±0.2)和(59.9±14.2)t/hm2。10年生时林木碳的净生产力为(11.1±1.7)t/(hm2·a),凋落物归还量为(2.3±0.3)t/(hm2·a),土壤CO2释放量为(5.5±0.2)t/(hm2·a)。可见,I 69杨人工林具有较高的生物生产力和碳储量,发展杨树等速生丰产林能对大气碳循环起到积极的作用。
The carbon storage and its dynamics of 10-year-old Populus deltoides Bartr.cv. “Lux ” plantation in the Lixiahe River region of Jiangsu Province were studied. The results showed that the total carbon storage of the stands was (136.2 ± 15.9) t (average ± standard deviation) t / hm2. The carbon stocks of trees, understory plants, soil layers A0 and soil were 74.1 ± 8.3 and 0.3 ± 0.1), (1.9 ± 0.2) and (59.9 ± 14.2) t / hm2. The biomass of net plantlets was (11.1 ± 1.7) t / (hm2 · a) and litterfall was (2.3 ± 0.3) ) t / (hm2 · a), and the soil CO2 emission was (5.5 ± 0.2) t / (hm2 · a). It can be seen that I 69 Yang plantation has high biological productivity and carbon storage, and the development of poplar fast-growing and high-yield forests can play a positive role in atmospheric carbon cycle.