传染病曾经是人类健康的主要杀手,历史上天花、鼠疫、流感和霍乱等疫病的流行,给人类带来过几近毁灭的打击。这些致命病菌甚至左右着人类社会的命运,1918年席卷全球的大流感,死亡人数保守估计为2 100万,最新的权威数据达到5 000万~1亿人。19世纪末20世纪初,随着传统医学向现代医学演进,免疫学成长起来,成为人类与疫病作战的有力武器。疫苗研究史上,英国乡村医生爱德华·詹纳功不可没,他因研究和推广牛痘疫苗并成功预防天花闻名。1796年5月14日,詹纳为8岁男孩詹姆士·菲利浦接种了史上第一支疫苗,揭开了疫苗研究和应用
Infectious diseases were once the major killers of human health. The epidemic of smallpox, plague, influenza and cholera in history has brought human beings a near-destructive blow. These deadly germs even affect the fate of humankind. The global scale pandemic swept through 1918 with a conservative estimate of 21 million deaths and the latest authoritative figure of 50 to 100 million. In the late 19th century and the early 20th century, as traditional medicine evolved into modern medicine, immunology grew and became a powerful weapon for fighting human and epidemic diseases. Vaccine research history, the British village doctor Edward Jenner contributed, he is known for the study and promotion of vaccinia vaccine and the successful prevention of smallpox. On May 14, 1796, Jenner vaccinated 8-year-old boy James Phillip on the history of the first vaccine and opened the door to vaccine research and application