The great proletarian cultural revolution has made the broad masses of medical personnel aware of the class struggle and line struggle and the conscientiousness of implementing Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line. Under the impetus of this wonderful situation, the research on anti-cancer drugs in China has been relatively successful in recent years. Great progress. At present, anti-tumor drugs commonly used in clinical practice can be produced in China and some new drugs have been created. In the 1972 national anticancer drug experience exchange study class, 25 kinds of antitumor drugs were expanded and promoted by the relevant comrades of the Ministry of Health, the former Ministry of Combustion, and the Ministry of Commerce. In recent years, there have been dozens. Drugs are clinically tested and recommended for use, which provides a powerful weapon for the popularization of cancer treatment. To this end, the general knowledge of some chemotherapy drugs for chemotherapy (abbreviated as chemotherapy) is introduced for reference by comrades and the development of chemotherapy is popularized.