髌骨软化症也叫髌骨劳损,是田径训练中常见的一种损伤,损伤后将不同程度地影响技术的发挥和成绩的提高。如果处理不当,还会给运动员带来终生痛苦。因此,有效地预防其发生和及时正确处理,对保证训练的正常进行、提高训练质量、促进健康、延长运动寿命大有裨益。 一、髌骨软化症的产生原因 髌骨为人体内最大籽骨,位于股四头肌肌健中,是略呈三角形的扁平骨,它参与组成膝关节。前面粗糙,而与股骨相接触的里面,除髌尖部被髌腱附着点占据一小部分外,其它面积被较厚的软骨层所覆盖。所以,无论膝关节做何运动,总有髌软骨与股骨关节面相接触的地方。当膝关节半蹲位起跳“发力”或屈伸扭转时,韧带松弛。关节的稳定作用完全靠股四头肌和髌骨来维持,髌骨负担较重,髌软骨和股
Chondromalacia patellae, also known as patella strain, is a common injury in track and field training. After injury, it will affect the development of technology and achievement to varying degrees. If not handled properly, it will also bring lifelong pain to athletes. Therefore, to effectively prevent its occurrence and timely and correct treatment, to ensure the normal training, improve training quality, promote health, extend the useful life of sports. First, the causes of chondromalacia patella patella is the largest sesamoid in the human body, located in the quadriceps muscle health, is slightly triangular flat bone, which is involved in the composition of the knee. The anterior surface is rough, and in contact with the femur, the rest of the area is covered by a thicker layer of cartilage, except where the tip of the patella is occupied by the patellar tendon attachment point. So, no matter what motion knee, there are always areas of contact with the patella cartilage and femoral articular surface. When the knee squat bit jump “hair force” or flexion and extension twist, ligament relaxation. The stability of the joint depends entirely on the quadriceps and patella to maintain the patella burden, patella cartilage and stock