农机科技推广AGRICULTURE MACHINERY TECHNOLOGY EXTENSION推广农机科技的园地连接供需双方的桥梁《农机科技推广》杂志是由农业部主管、农业部农业机械化技术开发推广总站主办、国内外公开发行的农业科技期刊。自2001年9月创刊以来,杂志以其权威性、导向性、适用性和高科技含量、高信息容量、高水平的办刊质量受到全国各级农机管理部门、推广系统、农垦系统、生产企业、科研院所、农机合作社以及农机专业户等广大读者的普遍欢迎,发行量巳连续十多年居全国性农机专业类杂志之首。
Agricultural Science and Technology Extension "magazine is run by the Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Mechanization Technology Development and Extension Station sponsored by domestic and international public offering of agricultural science and technology periodicals. Since the start of its publication in September 2001, magazines have been well received by the management departments of agricultural machinery, promotion systems, land reclamation systems, and manufacturing enterprises all over the country with their authority, orientation, applicability, high-tech content, high information capacity and high-quality journal quality. , Scientific research institutes, agricultural cooperatives and specialized agricultural machinery and other readers of the general welcome, circulation has been for more than 10 years in the national agricultural professional magazine first.