Jacob Is A Car

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaha_123
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  One day when Jacob got up, he went to his mother. “Mom, I want to be a car,” he said.
  “Well, that would be cool. If you want to be a car, you can be a car.” said Jacob’s mother. “Try to be a neat (整洁的) car.”
  Jacob went out to the street with his magic stick.
  “Car, car, car,” he said. Poof! He was a car. He was red.
  “I bet (敢说) I can go fast,” he said, and with that, he started up. Up the street went Jacob. He was fast.
  “I am a fast, red car,” said Jacob. “This is fun.”
  On his way back, he said, “I wish I could be a fast, red car that could fly.”
  Poof! Jacob had two wings. He went up and started to fly. Up, up, up he went.
  Jacob’s mother looked up. “Look at that. There is a red, flying car up in the sky.”
  Jacob went near his mother.
  “Mom, look at me,” he said. “I am a red car that can fly.”
  1. Question: Where did the car fly?
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise(单词组句):
  1) if to be a can be a car you car you want
  2) there red car up flying in the is a sky
  1. It flew into the sky.
  2. 1) If you want to be a car, you can be a car. 2) There is a red, flying car up in the sky.
  “I want to be a teacher,” said Sarah one day.
  “That is great,” said her mother. “You will be a good teacher.”
  “Can I be a teacher today?” asked Sarah.
  “Yes, you can be a teacher today,” said her mother.
  So Sarah went out into her yard to be a teacher.
  “Teacher, teacher, teacher,” said Sarah as she held her magic stick in her hand.
  Poof!Sarah was a teacher. She could teach. She looked in her yard, but there was no one to teach.
  “I could teach my cats,” said Sarah, but her cats were not there.
  “I could teach my dog,” said Sarah, but her dog was not there.
  “Who could I teach?” she asked. Sarah then looked at her feet. She could see about ten ants.
  “I will teach these ants,” said Sarah. “Teach ants, teach ants, teach ants.”
  Poof !The ten ants were as big as Sarah’s dog. They sat in the yard by Sarah.
  “We want to read,” said the biggest ant.
  “OK,” said Sarah. “I can teach all of you to read.”
  Sarah went and got ten books. She had the ants see the letters. She had the ants read the letters. She then had the ants see the words. After that she had them say the words. Soon each ant could read about ten words.
  “We can read!” said the smallest ant. “Thank you, Sarah, thank you.”
  “It is neat that you all want to read,” said Sarah.
  “Yes, it is fun to read,” said one ant. “But we have to go back and do ant work.”
  “OK,” said Sarah. “Ants, ants, ants.”
  Poof!The ants were small ants again. They went back to do their ant work.
  “It is cool that I could teach ants to read,” said Sarah. She went to tell her mother about teaching ants.
  1. Question: Who did Sarah teach first?
  2. Mixed-up Sentence Exercise(单词组句):
  1) she her yard but teach looked in was no there one to
  2) she tell her went to mother teaching about ants
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