本文介绍精索静脉曲张的介入放射治疗方法,并初步总结了四例左侧精索静脉曲张造影和钢圈栓塞的 临床效果和实践体会,强调了造影对栓塞治疗的意义和介入治疗本病的优越性。 精索静脉造影和精索静脉曲张钢圈栓塞术在临床的应用和实践体会@文锡荣$潮州市中心医院放射科@
This article describes the method of interventional radiotherapy varicocele, and initially summarized the four cases of left varicocele angiography and the embolization of the clinical effect and practice experience, emphasizing the significance of angiography embolization and interventional treatment of the disease Superiority. Clinical application and practice of varicocele and varicocele in the clinical application of wire @ Wen Xirong $ Chaozhou Central Hospital Department of Radiology @