
来源 :铁道劳动安全卫生与环保 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jimislg
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根据广梅汕铁路电气化改造前后的列车开行方案,定量分析了电气化改造前后的机车牵引能耗。广梅汕铁路电气化改造前,采用内燃机车牵引客货列车,每年牵引运输量为6.97×105万t.km,需要直接耗用柴油1.74万t,其能耗强度为36.38 kg标准煤/万t.km。电气化改造后,每年电力机车牵引运输量为9.29×105万t.km,每年需耗电1.05亿kW.h,按电力当量值计算,其能耗强度仅为13.89 kg标准煤/万t.km。电气化改造可大幅减少能源消耗,每年节约的能源折合1.25万t标准煤。 According to the plan of train operation before and after the electrification of Guang-Mei-Shan Railway, the traction energy consumption of locomotive before and after electrification was quantitatively analyzed. Before the electrification of Guang-Mei-Shan Railway, the diesel locomotive used passenger and freight trains for trains, and the annual transportation volume was 6.97 × 10 5 million t · km, which required the direct consumption of 17,400 t of diesel oil and 36.38 kg of standard coal per 10,000 t of energy intensity .km. After electrification, the annual traction capacity of electric locomotives is 9.29 × 10 5 million t · km, and the annual power consumption is 105 million kW.h. The energy consumption intensity is only 13.89 kg standard coal / t according to the power equivalent value. km. Electrification can significantly reduce energy consumption, the annual saving of energy equivalent to 12,500 tons of standard coal.
为提高新生儿股静脉穿刺成功率,我们借鉴双人协助头皮针抽血法,应用于新生儿采血,效果满意,现报告如下.1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料从住院治疗的患儿中随机选取50例为实验组,年