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设计说明:本系列书籍设计作品从视觉传达设计的专业角度,探讨和尝试以视觉化的设计手法表达人类感官的主题内容。作品在“后制品”的理论基础下,将抽象概念进行具象物质的模糊化,从而使读者体验并理解抽象的概念。此外,作品还从书籍与阅读方式的关系层面进行研究,针对人的思维没有空白、不停流动的特点,进行书籍设计创作。书籍设计运用蒙太奇的手法,将现成品(图片、文字、戏剧等艺术形式)进行解构与 Design Description: This series of book design works from a professional perspective of visual communication design to explore and try to express the theme of human senses with visual design techniques. Based on the theory of “post-production,” the work fuzzifies abstract concepts into concrete material, allowing readers to experience and understand abstract concepts. In addition, the work also studies the relationship between books and reading methods, and designs books based on the fact that people’s thinking is blank and non-stop flowing. Book design using montage approach, will be ready-made (pictures, text, drama and other art forms) deconstruction and
【摘要】 本文从当前运营商日常维护与网优的角度出发,而且在日常网优邻区优化过程中过于繁杂,而且该项工作耗人、耗时,所以提出了通过结合网管数据统计,通过对其算法的研究,得出快速邻区优化的方法工具,通过使用该系统,可以大大节约无线网优人员大量的人力,并且可以缩短邻区优化的周期,可以使网络快速匹配支撑市场前端发展。  【关键词】 网管切换统计 邻区优先级 异频邻区 PN  一、项目背景  1.1 邻区优