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目的探讨儿童支原体肺炎临床表现及治疗效果,提高支原体肺炎的临床诊治水平。方法回顾性分析38例儿童支原体肺炎的发病情况、临床表现、影像学、实验室检查结果、治疗及预后。结果本组患儿男19例,女19例,发病年龄6个月~9岁,平均年龄(4.8±4.0)岁,其中发热32例(84%),咳嗽31例(82%),气喘6例(16%),胸片异常36例(95%),胸部X线多表现为肺段实质浸润性病变,双肺均可累及,主要为右肺,外周血白细胞总数正常19例(50%),心电图异常9例(24%),38例均使用阿奇霉素治疗,疗程2~4周,均痊愈出院。随访2~4个月,所有患儿复查胸片显示斑片状影消失。结论儿童支原体肺炎以发热、咳嗽、气喘为主要症状,胸片阴影显著,应用阿奇霉素治疗有效。 Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and therapeutic effects of mycoplasma pneumonia in children and to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia. Methods A retrospective analysis of 38 cases of children with mycoplasma pneumonia incidence, clinical manifestations, imaging, laboratory test results, treatment and prognosis. Results The children were 19 males and 19 females, with a mean age of (4.8 ± 4.0) years old, ranging from 6 months to 9 years old. Among them, 32 cases (84%) were fever, 31 cases (82%) cough, asthma 6 Cases (16%), chest X-ray abnormalities in 36 cases (95%), chest X-ray showed mostly invasive lung lesions, both lungs can be involved, mainly in the right lung, the total number of peripheral white blood cells in normal 19 cases (50% ), ECG abnormalities in 9 cases (24%), 38 cases were treated with azithromycin, treatment of 2 to 4 weeks, were discharged. Follow-up 2 to 4 months, all children review the chest X-ray showed patchy disappeared. Conclusion Mycoplasma pneumonia in children with fever, cough, asthma as the main symptoms, significant chest shadow, the application of azithromycin treatment is effective.
To obtain water-insoluble silk fibroin(SF) materials, polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether(PEG-DE) was selected as a crosslinking agent to prepare SF films(blen
CuO nanoparticles were synthesized at a relatively low temperature(80 ℃) for 2 h using polyethylene glycol-glycerol mixture which acts as a capping agent.A det