1纳米就是百万分之一毫米,相当于人的头发丝粗细的十万分之一。日本日立制作所应用纳米技术,用扫描隧镜移去二硫化钼晶体表面上的一些原子,留下的原子空位组成了每个字母只有1.5纳米高的“PEACE”91”字样。美国斯坦福大学的科学家采用同样方法,在相当于头发丝粗细的断面的表面上绘出了该校的校徽。由此可见,这些由原子或原子空位组成的字是何等的小,而那些微刻艺术家们雕刻的字与之相比就太大太大了。 纳米技术广泛应用于纳米材料制造、纳米机械加工、纳米电子学和纳米生物技术等方面。 纳米材料是将纳米尺寸的金属、无机化合物、聚合物等材料的颗粒压制、烧结而成的材料。目前已制造出来的纳米材料有纳米磁性材料、纳米陶瓷材料、纳米金属材料和聚合物纳米材料等。用铁-钴合金和氮化铁制
One nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter, which is equivalent to one hundred thousandth the thickness of a human hair. Japan’s Hitachi Institute of Applied Nanotechnology, the use of scanning tunneling remove some atoms on the surface of molybdenum disulfide crystals, leaving the atomic vacancy composed of letters each only 1.5 “PEACE” 91 "words. Stanford University Scientists use the same method to draw the school’s emblem on the surface of the cross-section that corresponds to the thickness of the hair, which shows how small these words, composed of atoms or atomic vacancies, are engraved Compared with the word is too big.Nano-technology is widely used in nanomaterials manufacturing, nanotechnology, nanoelectronics and nanotechnology, etc. Nanomaterials is the nano-sized metals, inorganic compounds, polymers, etc. Materials of the particles are pressed and sintered materials.Now have been manufactured nano-materials magnetic nano-materials, nano-ceramic materials, nano-metallic materials and polymer nano-materials, etc. With iron-cobalt alloy and iron nitride